Our Technology
SingViva is a next-generation predictive digital health engagement platform that delivers effective, evidence-based interventions to empower people with happier and healthier lives.
Clinically validated, its predictive and precision profile scoring on individual risk factors, showing how small individual lifestyle or dietary changes can make a real difference in improving better lifelong health outcome.
Powered by Medical Science and Advanced Analytics
With our predictive genetic profiling, we offer another avenue for consumer to gain access to insurance after understanding their risk profile.
With our built-in analytics, the value of consumer’s existing data can be easily unlocked to provide accurate and consistent rating scores. Easily understood:
Individual Risk scores & insights from:
- Predictive Genetic Profiling
- Potential conditions
- Lifestyle data
- Credit scores
- Other real-world data
No Needles. No Blood.
Simply Swab. No Blood Needed. 3 simple steps right to your doorstep.
Risk factors
Underlying each of the scores, individual risk-drivers are evaluated and presented to the user with a scoring status and evidence-based feedback.
Data insights
Our online suite of management information reports provides a comprehensive, real-time review of engagement levels, health dynamics and clinical outcomes.
Empowering people to live healthier, happier lives.
Request for a Genetic Profiling Test.